Brain Products Press Release

Looking for a complete hyperscanning solution for education? Find out how to run an auditory oddball experiment with multiple X.ons in a classroom

Since X.on was released, common questions include if multiple X.ons can be used together and how many can be used simultaneously. To provide an informed answer, we conducted in-house tests and performed EEG paradigms with real participants using multiple X.ons.

2024-04-25T16:53:04+02:00April 26th, 2024|Categories: 2024, Issue 1/2024, Products & Applications|Tags: , , , |

Hyperscanning series part 6: Sending Wireless Triggers to Multiple Receivers

Many of you might already be using the Wireless Trigger system to facilitate experiments that are utilizing the LiveAmp’s potential as a mobile amplifier. By pairing a single transmitter with multiple receivers, you can now maximize the possibilities of such a mobile experiment by adding more LiveAmps to run hyperscanning experiments.

  • Amplifiers

How to decide which EEG amplifier best fits your research

You would like to start with EEG research, but you are unsure what amplifier works best for you? Given the range of possibilities, it can be hard to choose the best EEG amplifier for your research. If you could use some guidance, this article is a good start for you!

Hyperscanning series part 5: How to analyze a hyperscanning dataset with BrainVision Analyzer 2

In this article we will dip into common analysis goals for hyperscanning and why they are relevant for research fields such as social neuroscience. We will focus on dealing with multi-participant datasets and inter-brain connectivity in BrainVision Analyzer 2 helping you to complete your hyperscanning analysis.

  • Hyperscanning series part 4: How to do hyperscanning with trigger forwarding

Hyperscanning series part 4: How to do hyperscanning with trigger forwarding

In this hyperscanning series, we first introduced our gold standard solution based on BrainAmps, then a wireless solution using CGX Quick headsets and the StimTrigger, as well as the extremely flexible LSL solution. In this fourth part, we demonstrate another hardware-based option: using the trigger mirror mode which can be used with actiCHamp Plus and LiveAmp together with the Sensor & Trigger Extension.

  • How to do hyperscanning with LabStreamingLayer (LSL)

Hyperscanning series part 3: How to do hyperscanning with LabStreamingLayer (LSL)

So far, this series covered hyperscanning with BrainAmp amplifiers as well as with CGX Quick headsets. Part 3 introduces a more general approach, which is based on LabStreamingLayer (LSL).

  • How to do hyperscanning with CGX Quick Systems

Hyperscanning series part 2: How to do hyperscanning with CGX Quick Systems

In the first article of the hyperscanning series, we discussed our gold-standard recommendations for hyperscanning with BrainAmp, our stationary, lab-based, modular system, which may be used with passive or active gel-based electrode technology. In this second article of our series, we will focus on the CGX Quick Systems, which are innovative active, dry electrode EEG headsets integrated with Brain Products’ technology and software.

  • How to do hyperscanning with BrainAmps

Hyperscanning series part 1: How to do hyperscanning with BrainAmps

This first part of the hyperscanning series introduces our current gold standard hardware solution for this application: the BrainAmps. Combining multiple BrainAmps allows using separate ground and reference channels for each participant and provides perfect clock synchronization in a single EEG recording file.

2023-08-29T12:57:57+02:00April 16th, 2021|Categories: 2021, Issue 1/2021, Products & Applications, Support & Tips|Tags: , |
  • The sound of silence: an EEG hyperscanning study

The sound of silence: an EEG study of how musicians time pauses in individual and joint music performance

We recently investigated how musical partners resolve unmeasured expressive silences in musical interaction. Partners resolved shorter silences more synchronously than longer silences; partners also displayed enhanced neural markers of motor preparation for shorter relative to longer silences. Thus, shorter silences in interaction may facilitate interpersonal coordination.

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