Brain Products Press Release
May 2019
Recent changes in Brain Products management: When continuity and stability matters!
In June 2018, Alexander Svojanovsky, one of the founders of Brain Products, decided to step back and leave his position as General Manager of the company. In this article we briefly introduce Brain Products new general managers, Pierluigi Castellone and Dr. Manfred Jaschke.
Which amplifier is the best fit for R-Net? Easy: actiCHamp Plus!
There are recording scenarios in which a rapid and gel-free application is advantageous. For some populations, as with sensitive participants or time-restricted recordings, the R-Net provides fast and easy preparation even with high channel counts. Which amplifier is the best fit for the R-Net? Now, the answer is easy: actiCHamp Plus! Why? Read on …
Fingerprints of excellence: A great journey towards the new features in BrainVision Analyzer 2.2.0
A new major update of our flagship analysis software, BrainVision Analyzer 2, is about to be released. In this article we intend to familiarize you with the most salient features coming with Analyzer 2.2.0, hoping they have a positive impact on your research work.
Choosing your reference – and why it matters
How does the reference affect my data? What happens during re-referencing? This article provides some useful information about referencing that might help you choosing the optimal reference for your data analysis.
Product update: A better splitter box for Brain Products outstanding active electrode system!
Our active electrodes are the best choice for high quality EEG recordings and greatly appreciated in many labs worldwide. A central component of each 32-channel actiCAP electrode set is the splitter box. It bundles up all single electrode wires coming from the cap and routes them neatly to the amplifier. We improved this component for a better research experience regarding several aspects ...
New user manuals for the BrainAmp series of amplifiers
We are very proud that our BrainAmp MR series of amplifiers is the gold standard for combined EEG-fMRI measurements. While the BrainAmps themselves continue to be as robust and reliable as ever, we decided that the user manual was in need of an update. We are delighted to introduce two new documents to support our BrainAmp series of amplifiers.
The Brain Products Webinar Channel: Watch a training video anytime and anywhere
Are you in the middle of your analysis and stuck? Could you use some training right now, but there is no live BrainVision Analyzer 2 webinar coming up? Don’t worry, you can now enjoy an Analyzer 2 training anytime you need it. Watch your favorite webinars on our new Brain Products Webinar Channel.
Second Act: Patrick Britz is back in North America
No matter when or where you’ve met Patrick Britz, you probably know his motto: “Getting science done!”. This is what has always mattered most to him. His career started in research and took him to industry - at Brain Products & Brain Vision LLC. In case you lost track of where he is now and what he is up to, this article is for you …