Brain Products Press Release
  • Meet X.on – new wireless EEG headset for research or your next business case!

Meet X.on – new wireless EEG headset for research or your next business case!

Our solutions are usually tailored to the needs of academic researchers. With X.on, we make EEG recordings accessible for professionals with or without prior experience through ease of use with technology delivering the same data quality that Brain Products is known for in the research world.

  • Amplifiers

How to decide which EEG amplifier best fits your research

You would like to start with EEG research, but you are unsure what amplifier works best for you? Given the range of possibilities, it can be hard to choose the best EEG amplifier for your research. If you could use some guidance, this article is a good start for you!

  • BCI+

Getting started with LSL Markers and Hardware Triggers for Stimulus Presentation

Here we introduce a step-by-step guide for both LSL markers and hardware triggers with Brain Products and various stimulus presentation software programs that will ensure you are ready to start your experiments with the most accurate timing possible.

2022-08-25T19:23:50+02:00August 25th, 2022|Categories: 2022, Issue 2/2022, Products & Applications|Tags: , , , , , , |
  • TurboLink – new solution enabling ultra-fast brain state-dependent research

TurboLink – new solution enabling ultra-fast brain state-dependent research

More and more applications require a setup which allows, data access within minimal time, but maximal reliability. We recently released TurboLink for actiCHamp (Plus) and partnered up with sync2brain and their bossdevice RESEARCH to offer a solution that makes sure you can always rely on the performance of your hardware setup.

  • MindAffect Speller

Combining Brain Products and MindAffect for a fast, robust and reliable BCI speller

We’ve been working closely with our friends at MindAffect to provide you with a fast and reliable c-VEP-based speller that is compatible with Brain Products amplifiers. Here is a short and easy introduction (including a video and link to a more detailed tutorial) on how to get started.

2022-08-22T19:24:47+02:00August 13th, 2021|Categories: 2021, Issue 2/2021, Products & Applications|Tags: , , , |

Brain Products featured on kid’s television show “Checker Tobi” about the brain

We were visited by the host of a famous German children’s television series to show them the basics of how EEG works and demonstrate a Brain Computer Interface (BCI). The final production is in German, but still provides an entertaining way of communicating advanced neuroscience concepts to a young audience.

2024-04-16T15:55:07+02:00August 13th, 2021|Categories: 2021, Issue 2/2021, Products & Applications|Tags: , , , |
  • All new CGX Quick headsets with live impedance measurement by means of LEDs now available

All new CGX Quick headsets with live impedance measurement by means of LEDs

The newly released CGX Quick Systems have been updated to include live impedance checking by means of LEDs, as well as improvements in design and wearability. In addition, we put together a bundle including the new Quick Systems and BrainVision Recorder for CGX. If you’ve recently purchased a Quick System and would like to upgrade, we are offering trade-in and loyalty programs.

  • CGX Quick 20r and 30

Quick and easy to apply dry headset: Welcoming the CGX Quick System into our Product Portfolio

We heard your wishes and are happy to announce that we have partnered with our good friends at CGX to be able to offer you a high-grade, dry electrode, wearable headset.

Success at the CYBATHLON BCI Series Race

Brain Products was proud to sponsor the Mirage91 team at the CYBATHLON BCI Series on September 17th in Graz. Equipped with a LiveAmp and actiCAP slim system, Mirage91 with pilot Pascal Prietl won second place overall! We look forward to sponsoring them and the SEC FHT team at the global CYBATHLON competition in May 2020.

2024-07-31T14:58:35+02:00December 17th, 2019|Categories: 2019, Conferences & Events, Issue 3/2019|Tags: , , , |
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