Brain Products Press Release
  • How to verify timing in your EEG setup

How to verify timing in your EEG setup

When analyzing EEG data, especially event-related potentials (ERPs), a reliable relationship between event markers and actual events is crucial. This article introduces the means to measure timing delays and latencies in your EEG recording setup.

  • TriggerBox 2 - millisecond precise trigger without a parallel port

TriggerBox 2 – millisecond precise trigger without a parallel port

Brain Products is happy to announce a new version of the TriggerBox. The new product allows you to not only merge triggers from different sources, but it also acts as a virtual serial port that you can use as an interface between experimental control software and EEG amplifiers in order to send triggers with a timing accuracy below 1 ms.

2022-08-22T20:00:05+02:00October 6th, 2015|Categories: 2015, Issue 3/2015, Products & Applications|Tags: , , |

Product Launch: Photo Sensor

The Photo Sensor measures the screen brightness and, when combined with StimTrak, generates a trigger at the exact stimulus onset. It is a valuable tool to check the performance of a monitor or any experiment control software. This becomes essential if visual stimuli are planned to be presented on a tablet or cell phone display.

Acoustical Stimulator Adapter for StimTrak

Brain Products is excited to introduce two new accessories for StimTrak – the Acoustical Stimulator Adapter and the Photo Sensor. This article is going to present the Acoustical Stimulator Adapter. The Photo Sensor will be addressed in a later issue.

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