Brain Products Press Release

How to design trigger codes to obtain accurate markers

Creating event markers with hardware triggers requires trigger codes. Designing codes for a specific study can be unintuitive and error prone. Here we provide you with a practical strategy to design trigger codes with a structured trigger plan. To help you to create a trigger plan, we introduce trigger2marker, a freely downloadable MATLAB® tool.

2024-12-17T15:32:52+01:00December 13th, 2024|Categories: 2024, Issue 3/2024, Support & Tips|Tags: , , , , |

Brain Products on MATLAB® File Exchange

Check out Brain Products’ new account on the MATLAB® File Exchange. From now on, we will upload all the MATLAB®-based code for the various interactions between MATLAB® and our hardware- and software to this hub. In a first step, we have provided example code for the Remote Control Server 2 (RCS) and Remote Data Access (RDA). In addition, we uploaded the code mentioned in the "How to design trigger codes ..." article - published in this issue of our newsletter.

2024-12-13T18:39:33+01:00December 13th, 2024|Categories: 2024, Issue 3/2024, Support & Tips|Tags: , , , |
  • TriggerBox Plus

How to use the new TriggerBox Plus in your recording setup

In our last newsletter issue, we proudly introduced the new TriggerBox Plus. Now, we want to provide some more information on how this new and enhanced version of the TriggerBox changes the way you can interact with this device and how you can make the best use of its new features.

2023-12-15T12:01:22+01:00December 15th, 2023|Categories: 2023, Issue 3/2023, Support & Tips|Tags: , , , , , , , |
  • All you ever wanted to know about markers in BrainVision Analyzer 2

All you ever wanted to know about markers in BrainVision Analyzer 2

Why markers? Investigating electrophysiological effects that evolve over hundreds of milliseconds requires precisely timed triggers that can be used for trial alignment or averaging. This article will give you an overview of how to manage, edit and process your markers most efficiently in Analyzer 2.

  • TriggerBox 2 - millisecond precise trigger without a parallel port

TriggerBox 2 – millisecond precise trigger without a parallel port

Brain Products is happy to announce a new version of the TriggerBox. The new product allows you to not only merge triggers from different sources, but it also acts as a virtual serial port that you can use as an interface between experimental control software and EEG amplifiers in order to send triggers with a timing accuracy below 1 ms.

2022-08-22T20:00:05+02:00October 6th, 2015|Categories: 2015, Issue 3/2015, Products & Applications|Tags: , , |

Product Launch: Photo Sensor

The Photo Sensor measures the screen brightness and, when combined with StimTrak, generates a trigger at the exact stimulus onset. It is a valuable tool to check the performance of a monitor or any experiment control software. This becomes essential if visual stimuli are planned to be presented on a tablet or cell phone display.

Acoustical Stimulator Adapter for StimTrak

Brain Products is excited to introduce two new accessories for StimTrak – the Acoustical Stimulator Adapter and the Photo Sensor. This article is going to present the Acoustical Stimulator Adapter. The Photo Sensor will be addressed in a later issue.

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