Brain Products Press Release
  • Exciting news for our EEG-fMRI customers: Update of MRI sequence conditions

Exciting news for our EEG-fMRI customers: Update of MRI sequence conditions

We are excited to announce some news that will bring our conditions for use in line with current trends in fMRI. We have updated the MRI sequence conditions for our BrainAmp MR amplifiers and BrainCap MR.

  • Simultaneous EEG-fMRI reveals neural substrates during sleep that support Fluid Intelligence

Simultaneous EEG-fMRI reveals neural substrates during sleep that support Fluid Intelligence

This user research article summarizes the publication “Brain Activation Time-Locked to Sleep Spindles Associated With Human Cognitive Abilities”. Here, simultaneous EEG-fMRI recordings were used to understand the functional significance of interindividual differences in brain activations, time-locked to sleep spindles.

New user manuals for the BrainAmp series of amplifiers

We are very proud that our BrainAmp MR series of amplifiers is the gold standard for combined EEG-fMRI measurements. While the BrainAmps themselves continue to be as robust and reliable as ever, we decided that the user manual was in need of an update. We are delighted to introduce two new documents to support our BrainAmp series of amplifiers.

  • Simultaneous EEG-fMRI provides a new insight into the origin of spontaneous neuronal activity in preterm humans

Simultaneous EEG-fMRI provides a new insight into the origin of spontaneous neuronal activity in preterm humans

This user research article summaries our publication “Arichi T, Whitehead K, Barone G, Pressler R, Padormo F, Edwards AD, Fabrizi L (2017) Localization of spontaneous bursting neuronal activity in the preterm human brain with simultaneous EEG-fMRI. eLife 6:e27814”.

  • Multimodal Fingerprints of Resting State Networks as assessed by Simultaneous Trimodal MR-PET-EEG Imaging

Multimodal Fingerprints of Resting State Networks as assessed by Simultaneous Trimodal MR-PET-EEG Imaging

In this work, we show the implementation of simultaneous trimodal imaging by employing the benefits of EEG, to acquire the electrophysiology of the brain, simultaneously with PET, to ascertain metabolic details, and MRI, to integrate brain function and structure. Trimodal imaging methodology is presented here for the first time, and we have carried out a pilot study to highlight its advantages.

  • The sound of silence: an EEG hyperscanning study

Understanding how sleep affects the human thalamus with EEG-fMRI

We are able to show using EEG-fMRI that the functional connectivity of the thalamus is generally increased by sleep onset and depth, and that sleep has a differential effect on sub-divisions of the thalamus. EEG-fMRI is a vital tool to understand the impact of sleep on cortical and subcortical processing.

2022-03-14T16:08:08+01:00April 21st, 2017|Categories: 2017, Issue 1/2017, User Research|Tags: , , , , , |
  • EEG-assisted retrospective motion correction for fMRI (E-REMCOR) and automated implementation (aE-REMCOR)

EEG-assisted retrospective motion correction for fMRI (E-REMCOR) and automated implementation (aE-REMCOR)

Electroencephalography (EEG) concurrently acquired with fMRI provides high temporal resolution information about brain activity as well as subject head movement. We introduced an EEG-assisted retrospective motion correction (E-REMCOR) method that utilizes EEG data to correct for head movements in fMRI on a slice-by-slice basis and substantially improves the quality of the data. To further enhance the usability of E-REMCOR, especially for the large-scale EEG-fMRI studies, we developed an automatic and improved implementation of E-REMCOR, referred as aE-REMCOR.

2022-03-14T15:53:13+01:00December 16th, 2016|Categories: 2016, Issue 3/2016, User Research|Tags: , , , , , , , |
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