How to use the new TriggerBox Plus in your recording setup

by Dr. Alex Kreilinger
(Brain Products Technical Product Manager)

In our last newsletter issue, we proudly introduced the new TriggerBox Plus. Now, we want to provide some more information on how this new and enhanced version of the TriggerBox changes the way you can interact with this device and how you can make the best use of its new features.

How to use the new TriggerBox Plus in your recording setup

As we already introduced in a previous newsletter article, the main new features of the TriggerBox Plus are its support of LabStreamingLayer (LSL) and the revised reading functionality. It is now much easier to incorporate LSL markers in your recording setup, and/or to process external inputs by reading them via USB to your computer or directly providing them as LSL markers.

All these new features are internally linked together allowing for a vast variety of trigger input and output combinations. Especially for the addition of network features (which are necessary for using LSL markers), a new Configuration tool allows you to control all the required parameters for Ethernet and WiFi settings.

Another important change is that the upgraded serial interface needs a more specific setup in your stimulus presentation software tool of choice: instead of just providing the correct COM port, it is now also necessary to enter a baud rate of 2 000 000 bits/s.

In a new article, posted in the Support & Resources section of our main website, we collect all the relevant differences and how they may affect your setup. Please have a look and let us know if your questions have not been answered in the article. We are always curious to know about any kind of setup that integrates our TriggerBox Plus. Now, not only for providing hardware triggers, but also LSL markers.

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