Brain Products Press Release
  • Mindtooth

Decoding mental states anywhere with Mindtooth!

The Mindtooth EEG system is the result of a European funded project and makes a leap in design, form, style, ergonomics and enables the measurement of mental states without requiring any technical skills. Read further and discover how you can monitor workload, vigilance, or stress levels on the go with ease.

2023-10-09T13:26:19+02:00September 4th, 2023|Categories: 2023, Issue 2/2023, Products & Applications|Tags: , , , , , |
  • Meet X.on – new wireless EEG headset for research or your next business case!

Meet X.on – new wireless EEG headset for research or your next business case!

Our solutions are usually tailored to the needs of academic researchers. With X.on, we make EEG recordings accessible for professionals with or without prior experience through ease of use with technology delivering the same data quality that Brain Products is known for in the research world.

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