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  • Tricks and Tips in BrainVision Recorder

Tricks and Tips in BrainVision Recorder – Part I

Our Analyzer 2 ‘Tricks and Tips’ support articles were very popular with our users. So, we have put together some more ‘Tricks and Tips’ for you, but this time it’s BrainVision Recorder’s turn. Here we present ten handy hints to help you get the most from your Recorder software.

2022-08-29T14:32:10+02:00August 9th, 2017|
  • Analyzer Video

A comprehensive guide to Analyzer’s Video Add In for simultaneous EEG and video playback

Acquiring video with EEG provides insights into the interplay between neurophysiological responses and behavior, commonly used in infant and child research, sleep research, epilepsy research, and mobile EEG applications. The Video Add In for BrainVision Analyzer 2 facilitates seamless parallel navigation of synchronously acquired video-EEG data.

2023-12-15T12:01:47+01:00December 15th, 2023|
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