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  • Hyperscanning series part 4: How to do hyperscanning with trigger forwarding

Hyperscanning series part 4: How to do hyperscanning with trigger forwarding

In this hyperscanning series, we first introduced our gold standard solution based on BrainAmps, then a wireless solution using CGX Quick headsets and the StimTrigger, as well as the extremely flexible LSL solution. In this fourth part, we demonstrate another hardware-based option: using the trigger mirror mode which can be used with actiCHamp Plus and LiveAmp together with the Sensor & Trigger Extension.

2023-08-29T12:59:11+02:00April 29th, 2022|
  • EIB64-DUO – a common input box for both actiCHamp Plus and BrainAmps

EIB64-DUO – a common input box for both actiCHamp Plus and BrainAmps

You might have already come across an Electrode Input Box (EIB). In the past, the main function of the EIB was to enable the use of touch-proof (1.5 mm DIN) electrodes with either BrainAmp or actiCHamp Plus systems. If your lab already has both actiCHamp Plus and BrainAmp equipment, you might find the new EIB64-DUO from Easycap particularly interesting for your passive electrode setup!

2022-08-22T19:23:21+02:00December 7th, 2021|
  • Get to know BrainVision Analyzer 2.2.2

Get to know BrainVision Analyzer 2.2.2 – Take the next step in EEG-fMRI analysis with Carbon Wire Loop Regression

We are happy to inform you that the new BrainVision Analyzer 2.2.2 has been released. We are also excited about adding a completely new transformation, the CWL Regression for EEG-fMRI data correction. Let me take you on a tour of the new features and enhancements so that you can download Analyzer 2.2.2 from our website today and get started.

2022-08-22T19:23:39+02:00December 7th, 2021|
  • How to verify timing in your EEG setup

How to verify timing in your EEG setup

When analyzing EEG data, especially event-related potentials (ERPs), a reliable relationship between event markers and actual events is crucial. This article introduces the means to measure timing delays and latencies in your EEG recording setup.

2023-11-13T15:40:47+01:00December 7th, 2021|
  • Combining EEG and eye tracking: a workflow for your mobile experiment

Combining EEG and eye tracking: a workflow for your mobile experiment

Are you fascinated by mobile EEG and would like to explore real-world scenarios, but are unsure of how to prepare your setup and overcome its technical challenges? Read on to learn about how we combined EEG with wearable eye tracking from our partner Tobii Pro. We’ll show you how to optimize your setup and provide some inspiration for your next investigations!

2023-11-02T14:52:17+01:00August 13th, 2021|
  • How to do hyperscanning with CGX Quick Systems

Hyperscanning series part 2: How to do hyperscanning with CGX Quick Systems

In the first article of the hyperscanning series, we discussed our gold-standard recommendations for hyperscanning with BrainAmp, our stationary, lab-based, modular system, which may be used with passive or active gel-based electrode technology. In this second article of our series, we will focus on the CGX Quick Systems, which are innovative active, dry electrode EEG headsets integrated with Brain Products’ technology and software.

2023-08-29T12:56:45+02:00August 13th, 2021|
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