Brain Products Press Release
  • EEG-fMRI Safety Updates: Protecting the BrainAmp MR family and PowerPack

EEG-fMRI Safety Updates: Protecting the BrainAmp MR family and PowerPack

We strive to provide detailed safety and setup guidelines for performing simultaneous EEG-fMRI. This article explains factors related to the gradient magnetic field, which influence heating in the amplifiers and batteries during functional imaging. We also provide updated guidelines on how to protect the BrainAmp MR and Power Pack.

  • Mains Power Supply for BrainAmp amplifiers is now available!

Mains Power Supply for BrainAmp amplifiers is now available!

The best possible data quality is achieved by using a battery to power your EEG amplifier. However, there are many cases where a mains power supply is needed to ensure uptime of the system in your lab. With Mains Power Supply for BrainAmp we reintroduce a solution that allows you to power BrainAmp amplifiers from the mains.

2022-08-22T20:42:08+02:00April 29th, 2022|Categories: 2022, Issue 1/2022, Products & Applications|Tags: , , |
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