Who is who…?! – New team members at Brain Products
by Stefanie Rudrich
Marketing Manager (Brain Products)
Having a qualified, reliable and committed team is a key factor for staying successful as a company. Just like continuously successful sports teams are proud of their “new signings”, we are proud of ours and would like to briefly introduce our newest team member to you.
Scientific Support: Dr. Michael Schubert
Our Scientific Support team has grown further! On February 1, Dr. Michael Schubert joined us as a Scientific Consultant. For the past 7 years Michael was with the Institute of Sports Medicine, Department of Exercise and Health at the University of Paderborn (Germany). Working as lab engineer and research assistant, Michael also successfully finished his PhD (Dr. rer. medic) there in 2015. The topic of his doctoral thesis was “Brain Network Dynamics in Goal-DirectedMotor Precision Tasks in Laboratory and Real-World Settings“.
Alongside his SciSup-Colleagues, Michael will mainly provide our BrainVision Analyzer 2 users with support related to software and analysis questions as well as scientific issues. For sure, you will also have plenty of opportunities to meet Michael in person, e.g. at conferences or workshops.
Welcome on board, Michael!