Brain Products Press Release

6th International Brain-Computer Interface Conference, Graz University of Technology

The 6th Int. BCI Conference took place from September 16 – 19, 2014 (Graz University of Technology, Austria). This year’s conference theme was “The Future of Brain-Computer Interaction: Basics, Shortcomings, Users”. About 200 researchers from 35 nations participated; Brain Products sponsored Best Talk and Best Poster Awards.

2022-10-10T12:09:44+02:00December 19th, 2014|Categories: 2014, Conferences & Events, Issue 4/2014|Tags: , |

Brain Products Young Scientist Award 2014 presented to Dr. Sven Hoffmann

Just as in previous years, Brain Products sponsored a “Young Scientist Award”, granted to a young researcher for an outstanding paper. This year’s winner was Dr. Sven Hoffmann (Leibniz Research Centre for Working Environment and Human Factors), who recently received the award at the annual meeting of the German Society for Basic and Applied Psychophysiology.

2022-03-11T13:47:13+01:00October 9th, 2014|Categories: 2014, Conferences & Events, Issue 3/2014|Tags: , |

2013 Early Career UCL Investigator in Neuroimaging Techniques elected

Every year the University College London rewards its best junior scientists for outstanding contributions in the field of neuroimaging techniques. Competition is strong as the award consists of a cheque for £500, a trophy and a certificate sponsored by Brain Products. The 2013 award was presented to Dr. Siawoosh Mohammadi on April 17.

2022-03-11T14:44:16+01:00July 10th, 2014|Categories: 2014, Conferences & Events, Issue 2/2014|Tags: , |
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