Brain Products Press Release

How to decide on the right EEG spectral analysis method in BrainVision Analyzer

Are you an ERP researcher seeking to extend your analysis into the spectral domain? Are you new to EEG research and are looking for the best way to analyze your EEG data? This article intends to provide you with practical details which will help in making informed decisions when applying spectral analysis tools available in BrainVision Analyzer.

Getting to know EEG artifacts and how to handle them in BrainVision Analyzer 2

In this article we present a collection of common EEG artifacts with their characteristics and pictures to facilitate their identification, and various tools offered by BrainVision Analyzer 2 for artifact detection, rejection, and removal. Towards the end we make some suggestions for devising an overall artifact handling strategy.

  • Get to know BrainVision Analyzer 2.2.2

Get to know BrainVision Analyzer 2.2.2 – Take the next step in EEG-fMRI analysis with Carbon Wire Loop Regression

We are happy to inform you that the new BrainVision Analyzer 2.2.2 has been released. We are also excited about adding a completely new transformation, the CWL Regression for EEG-fMRI data correction. Let me take you on a tour of the new features and enhancements so that you can download Analyzer 2.2.2 from our website today and get started.

  • Extend your BrainVision Analyzer 2 to its full potential with Solutions

Extend your BrainVision Analyzer 2 to its full potential with Solutions

Are you looking for extensions for BrainVision Analyzer 2? They are called Solutions! Scientists from various fields of research use them to tweak Analyzer to their needs. Analysis of non-EEG sensor data, sleep data, single trials and time-frequency domain exports are only some examples where users can benefit from our solutions.

2022-03-14T15:59:03+01:00April 16th, 2021|Categories: 2021, Issue 1/2021, Support & Tips|Tags: , , , , |
  • What’s new in BrainVision Analyzer 2.2.1? – Integration of Tobii Pro Lab data in Add Channels & more

What’s new in BrainVision Analyzer 2.2.1? – Integration of Tobii Pro Lab data in Add Channels & more

We are pleased to inform you that Analyzer 2.2.1 has been released. This new version comprises not only an expansion of the Add Channels transform to support Tobii Pro Lab data, but also incorporates improvements to enhance Analyzer’s usability. Here is a brief overview of the major changes and new features in BrainVision Analyzer 2.2.1.

  • Fingerprints of excellence: A great journey towards the new features in BrainVision Analyzer 2.2.0

Fingerprints of excellence: A great journey towards the new features in BrainVision Analyzer 2.2.0

A new major update of our flagship analysis software, BrainVision Analyzer 2, is about to be released. In this article we intend to familiarize you with the most salient features coming with Analyzer 2.2.0, hoping they have a positive impact on your research work.

  • A guided tour through LORETA – Source localization in BrainVision Analyzer 2!

A guided tour through LORETA – Source localization in BrainVision Analyzer 2!

What do I need in order to include source analysis as part of my analysis pipeline? This article provides you with the solution mainly focusing on LORETA. We will also walk you through the requirements prior to applying LORETA so that you will be able to make the best usage of LORETA in BrainVision Analyzer 2.

2022-03-11T15:19:52+01:00April 30th, 2018|Categories: 2018, Issue 1/2018, Support & Tips|Tags: , , , , , |
  • New views made easy – Visualizing ECoG grids & connectivity matrices via Analyzer 2’s MATLAB® transformation

New views made easy – Visualizing ECoG grids & connectivity matrices via Analyzer 2’s MATLAB® transformation

BrainVision Analyzer 2 is easy to use and offers a variety of views to display your data with a single mouse click. However, science develops and new analysis methods entail the need for new data visualizations that Analyzer 2 does not yet support. This article briefly discusses how to expand the view capabilities of Analyzer 2 using the MATLAB® transformation. Two examples will illustrate this feature, where ECoG grid data and EEG connectivity matrices are visualized using simple MATLAB® functions.

2022-02-06T22:08:18+01:00April 21st, 2017|Categories: 2017, Issue 1/2017, Support & Tips|Tags: , , , |
  • All you ever wanted to know about markers in BrainVision Analyzer 2

All you ever wanted to know about markers in BrainVision Analyzer 2

Why markers? Investigating electrophysiological effects that evolve over hundreds of milliseconds requires precisely timed triggers that can be used for trial alignment or averaging. This article will give you an overview of how to manage, edit and process your markers most efficiently in Analyzer 2.

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