Brain Products Press Release
  • All new CGX Quick headsets with live impedance measurement by means of LEDs now available

All new CGX Quick headsets with live impedance measurement by means of LEDs

The newly released CGX Quick Systems have been updated to include live impedance checking by means of LEDs, as well as improvements in design and wearability. In addition, we put together a bundle including the new Quick Systems and BrainVision Recorder for CGX. If you’ve recently purchased a Quick System and would like to upgrade, we are offering trade-in and loyalty programs.

  • CGX Quick 20r and 30

Quick and easy to apply dry headset: Welcoming the CGX Quick System into our Product Portfolio

We heard your wishes and are happy to announce that we have partnered with our good friends at CGX to be able to offer you a high-grade, dry electrode, wearable headset.

  • The sound of silence: an EEG hyperscanning study

Men at work: Mobile EEG as a new tool for neuroergonomics

Our recent study “Age-sensitive effects of enduring work with alternating cognitive and physical load. A study applying mobile EEG in a real life working scenario” demonstrates how mobile EEG can be utilized not only for user state examination but also for the evaluation of cognitive processing in real life working situations. Here is a summary of our publication.

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