Brain Products Press Release
  • BV2BIDS: the Brain Products’ solution for organizing your EEG data according to the brain imaging data structure (BIDS)

BV2BIDS: the Brain Products’ solution for organizing your EEG data according to the brain imaging data structure (BIDS)

Are you aiming to standardize and organize your raw EEG data according to the EEG-BIDS standards? Is the EEG data stored in Brain Products’ BrainVision Core Data (BVCD) Format 1.0 (*.eeg, *.vhdr and *.vmrk)? If yes, you are only one step away from achieving your goal.

  • BIDS adopts BrainVision Core Data Format 1.0 as one of the recommended official EEG/iEEG data formats

BIDS adopts BrainVision Core Data Format 1.0 as one of the recommended official EEG/iEEG data formats

Initially, the BIDS (Brain Imaging Data Structure) standard aimed to create standards for organizing Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) datasets. As such standards are also needed for Electroencephalography (EEG) and intracranial Electroencephalography (iEEG) data, BIDS has expanded its efforts in this direction, and we happily announce that our BrainVision Core Data Format 1.0 was adopted as one of the recommended official EEG/iEEG data formats.

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