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  • TriggerBox Plus

Out now! – TriggerBox Plus streams any trigger via LSL

We are happy to introduce a new version of the TriggerBox: the TriggerBox Plus. The new TriggerBox Plus offers a lot of upgrades and new features, mainly comprising a new LabStreamingLayer (LSL) functionality and a more flexible signal routing and faster reading capabilities.

2023-09-04T10:14:41+02:00September 4th, 2023|

Investigating mental workload-induced changes in cortical oxygenation and frontal theta activity during simulated flights: an interview with author, Anneke Hamann

In a recent publication, Anneke Hamann and Nils Carstengerde (German Aerospace Center, Institute of Flight Guidance) investigated pilots’ cognitive states using EEG & fNIRS and analyzed the effects of stepwise increased mental workload while controlling for fatigue. Here is an interview with the authors about their paper and their fascinating research.

2022-12-09T13:47:35+01:00December 8th, 2022|
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