News in brief

Your BrainAmp to USB 2 Adapter may require an upgrade

The hardy BrainAmp amplifier series is still helping many labs worldwide record EEG in and outside of the MR scanner with its BrainAmp to USB 2 Adapter (or BUA). And if your system runs smoothly as ever, you can skip the following lines.

However, as computers have updated their internal circuitry over the years, the demands of a USB port have also become more stringent and beyond what some of the original BUAs were spec’d to. Luckily, we figured out a way for most of our existing BrainAmp users to have cost efficient upgrades to the USB ports of their BUAs so they are ready to use with the latest computers.  The potential need and specific kind of upgrade may depend on the BUA model. Contact our Technical Support team or your local distributor with the serial number of your BUA to learn more about this update, so when you upgrade your data recording PC, your EEG hardware is known to be compatible.

Downloads, Updates & more

Software Releases & Updates
→ “BrainVision Recorder 1.25.0201

User Manuals & Operating Instructions Updates
→ “BrainVision Recorder User Manual
→ “Performing simultaneous EEG-fMRI measurements

Tutorial Videos
→ “How to record a test signal with LabSim
→ “Getting started with X.on

→ Join our team! We have an open position in Technical Writing
→ Registration for upcoming in-person workshops in Munich (GER) and Singapore (SIN) open