Brain Products MoBI Award 2020: And the winners are …

by Dr. Christina Florence Lavallée
Strategic Product Manager (Brain Products)

The MoBI Award was designed to recognize excellence in the field of Mobile Brain/Body Imaging research. Taking your research out of the lab and into the real world is no easy feat and Brain Products wants to encourage and reward scientists who are doing so.

Brain Products MoBI Award 2020: And the winners are …

During our online virtual symposium, we awarded two (yes, a tie!) first place winners with LiveAmp 32 systems and our third place winner with a LiveAmp 8 system.

When we closed submissions for the MoBI Award 2020, we were truly overwhelmed by the outstanding quality of entries we received. Our independent jury members were also impressed and gave us a lot of positive feedback about the publications they were asked to review. As in previous years, the criteria for rating the submissions were decided upon together with Prof Klaus Gramann. All submitted publications were scored by an independent panel of reviewers based on their positive impact on society, innovation and impact of the research, as well scientific quality.

This year’s winners

Once the scores were in and tallied, much to our surprise, we had two first place winners this year! Our two first place winners, Dr Zakaria Djebbara and Dr Andrew Nordin, and our third place winner, Dr James Dowsett, gave presentations on their awarded research during our online MoBI Award virtual symposium.

Brain Products MoBI Award 2020: And the winners are …

Brain Products MoBI Award Winners 2020.

Awarded publications

We had originally planned to hold the awards ceremony during the MoBI Conference in San Diego. However, due to the current pandemic, the conference had to be postponed to 2021. We still wanted to recognize our winners this year in an online event, where Prof Klaus Gramann and Scott Makeig, Ph.D. pioneers and leaders in the field of Mobile Brain/Body Imaging, delivered keynote talks on their MoBI research.

Congratulations again to the top 3 winners and many thanks to all the scientists who submitted their work to the 2020 MoBI Award. Click here for a list of this year’s top ranked submissions. Of course, we would like to sincerely thank all jury members for their time, dedication and thoughtful reviews of the submissions. Although we are missing everyone at the MoBI Conference this year, we look forward to meeting you all next year in San Diego.

For more information on the MoBI Award, please visit: To be automatically notified when the next MoBI Award edition is announced, make sure to subscribe to our dedicated MoBI Award Mailing list.