Brain Products Press Release
  • Methodology for characterizing network activations with neuro-navigated TMS and EEG

Methodology for characterizing network activations with neuro-navigated TMS and EEG

This aEEG-TMSrticle walks you through the collection of neuro-navigated simultaneously obtained Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) evoked EEG (TMS-EEG) data to investigate network-specific TMS-induced EEG activations, as in Ozdemir et al, 2020 (PNAS), focusing specifically on the methods of TMS-EEG data collection and analysis.

2023-03-31T15:16:48+02:00December 4th, 2020|Categories: 2020, Issue 3/2020, Support & Tips, User Research|Tags: , , , , , |
  • From Movement to Action: An EEG Study into the Emerging Sense of Agency in Early Infancy

From Movement to Action: An EEG Study into the Emerging Sense of Agency in Early Infancy

This study investigates whether 4-month-old infants build causal action-effect models, a prerequisite for a sense of agency. Using behavioral and neural measures of violation of expectation, we found evidence for causal models only in a subset of infants. Thus, the sense of agency is beginning to emerge at this age.

  • Simultaneous EEG-fMRI reveals neural substrates during sleep that support Fluid Intelligence

Simultaneous EEG-fMRI reveals neural substrates during sleep that support Fluid Intelligence

This user research article summarizes the publication “Brain Activation Time-Locked to Sleep Spindles Associated With Human Cognitive Abilities”. Here, simultaneous EEG-fMRI recordings were used to understand the functional significance of interindividual differences in brain activations, time-locked to sleep spindles.

  • Alcohol Hangover Impacts Learning and Reward Processing Within the Medial-Frontal Cortex

Alcohol Hangover Impacts Learning and Reward Processing Within the Medial-Frontal Cortex

Alcohol intoxication impairs motor coordination, judgement, and decision-making. Interestingly, research suggests that the impact of alcohol consumption continues beyond the point of intoxication and into a period of alcohol hangover. Here, we examined differences in the amplitude of reward positivity – an event-related brain potential component associated with learning and how the amplitude of this component was impacted by alcohol hangover

2022-03-14T16:02:50+01:00December 14th, 2018|Categories: 2018, Issue 3/2018, User Research|Tags: , , , , , |
  • Using mobile EEG to assess the Bereitschaftspotential before 192-meter extreme bungee jumping

Using mobile EEG to assess the Bereitschaftspotential before 192-meter extreme bungee jumping

Self-initiated voluntary acts are preceded by a negative electrical brain potential, the Bereitschaftspotential (BP), occurring up to two seconds before the actual movement. Up to now, the BP has only been recorded under laboratory conditions. Here recording of the BP before self-initiated 192-meter extreme bungee jumping is reported for the first time. Our results pave the way to further investigate the neural substrates and mechanisms underlying real-world decision making and behaviour.

2022-01-27T11:20:14+01:00August 3rd, 2018|Categories: 2018, Issue 2/2018, User Research|Tags: , , , |
  • Simultaneous EEG-fMRI provides a new insight into the origin of spontaneous neuronal activity in preterm humans

Simultaneous EEG-fMRI provides a new insight into the origin of spontaneous neuronal activity in preterm humans

This user research article summaries our publication “Arichi T, Whitehead K, Barone G, Pressler R, Padormo F, Edwards AD, Fabrizi L (2017) Localization of spontaneous bursting neuronal activity in the preterm human brain with simultaneous EEG-fMRI. eLife 6:e27814”.

  • State-of-the-art Research EEG Facilities in Islamabad, Pakistan

State-of-the-art Research EEG Facilities in Islamabad, Pakistan

For decades, Pakistan has been suffering from earthquakes, floods, poverty, political instability, a fragile infrastructure, terrorism and regional violence. Indeed, it has been described as a hard country. Given these circumstances, is Pakistan a good choice for setting up a new research EEG laboratory?

2024-12-01T15:17:03+01:00April 30th, 2018|Categories: 2018, Issue 1/2018, Products & Applications, User Research|Tags: , |
  • Multimodal Fingerprints of Resting State Networks as assessed by Simultaneous Trimodal MR-PET-EEG Imaging

Multimodal Fingerprints of Resting State Networks as assessed by Simultaneous Trimodal MR-PET-EEG Imaging

In this work, we show the implementation of simultaneous trimodal imaging by employing the benefits of EEG, to acquire the electrophysiology of the brain, simultaneously with PET, to ascertain metabolic details, and MRI, to integrate brain function and structure. Trimodal imaging methodology is presented here for the first time, and we have carried out a pilot study to highlight its advantages.

Basal ganglia microstructure and EEG – a research expedition to the Philippines

The last years have seen an overwhelming amount of research aiming to disentangle the neural mechanisms underlying goal-directed behavior and cognitive control processes. In that regard, the basal ganglia have attracted much interest. It is known that the striatum is a very complex neuroanatomical structure and can be subdivided into the ‘matrix’ and the ‘striosomes’. Yet, it has been unclear whether this striatal microstructure is important to consider for cognitive functions, as well.

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