Brain Products Press Release
  • FI MoBI Award

Submit your Mobile Brain/Body Imaging publication and win the Brain Products MoBI Award 2022!

Submissions for the MoBI Award 2022, rewarding excellence in research within the field of Mobile Brain/Body Imaging, are now open. Submit your paper and win a trophy, a certificate as well as one of three LiveAmp bundles – including amplifier, electrodes, caps, recording software and more.

Brain Products Conferences, Events, Webinars and Workshops: January to March 2022

Brain Products will be attending or hosting the following events from January to March 2022. Please stop by or sign up, say hello and take the opportunity to meet our team, learn more about our application solutions or discuss your research and neuroscience requirements.

2022-08-22T18:54:33+02:00December 7th, 2021|Categories: 2021, Conferences & Events, Issue 3/2021|Tags: , , |

UCL-CNT Early Career Investigator Award in Neuroimaging Techniques 2020 presented to Yunzhe Liu

The "UCL-CNT Early Career Investigator Award in Neuroimaging Techniques" acknowledges an exceptional contribution by a UCL (University College London) student or staff member in the early stages of their career and is sponsored by Brain Products and Brain Products UK. Here is a short portrait of the winner in 2020, Yunzhe Liu.

2024-07-25T13:22:23+02:00August 13th, 2021|Categories: 2021, Conferences & Events, Issue 2/2021|Tags: , |

Brain Products Conferences, Events, Webinars and Workshops: August to November 2021

Brain Products will be attending or hosting the following events from August to November 2021. Please stop by or sign up, say hello and take the opportunity to meet our team, learn more about our application solutions or discuss your research and neuroscience requirements.

2023-12-19T17:36:34+01:00August 13th, 2021|Categories: 2021, Conferences & Events, Issue 2/2021|Tags: , , |

Brain Products Conferences, Events, Webinars and Workshops: April to July 2021

Brain Products will be attending or hosting the following events from April to July 2021. Please stop by or sign up, say hello and take the opportunity to meet our team, learn more about our application solutions or discuss your research and neuroscience requirements.

2022-08-22T18:55:08+02:00April 16th, 2021|Categories: 2021, Conferences & Events, Issue 1/2021|Tags: , , |
  • FI MoBI Award

Brain Products MoBI Award 2020: And the winners are …

The MoBI Award was designed to recognize excellence in the field of Mobile Brain/Body Imaging research. Taking your research out of the lab and into the real world is no easy feat and Brain Products wants to encourage and reward scientists who are doing so. During our online virtual symposium, we awarded two (yes, a tie!) first place winners with LiveAmp 32 systems and our third place winner with a LiveAmp 8 system.

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