Brain Products Press Release
  • Meet X.on – new wireless EEG headset for research or your next business case!

Meet X.on – new wireless EEG headset for research or your next business case!

Our solutions are usually tailored to the needs of academic researchers. With X.on, we make EEG recordings accessible for professionals with or without prior experience through ease of use with technology delivering the same data quality that Brain Products is known for in the research world.

  • Translating visual perception from the lab to the real world using mobile EEG and mixed reality displays

Translating visual perception from the lab to the real world using mobile EEG and mixed reality displays

This research combines mobile EEG and augmented reality (AR) to study cognition. Participants completed three face inversion tasks: (1) computer-based, (2) mobile EEG with photographs, (3) mobile EEG with AR. We find face inversion effects in all tasks, concluding that mobile EEG and AR is a promising approach for research.

  • EEG-fMRI Safety Updates: Protecting the BrainAmp MR family and PowerPack

EEG-fMRI Safety Updates: Protecting the BrainAmp MR family and PowerPack

We strive to provide detailed safety and setup guidelines for performing simultaneous EEG-fMRI. This article explains factors related to the gradient magnetic field, which influence heating in the amplifiers and batteries during functional imaging. We also provide updated guidelines on how to protect the BrainAmp MR and Power Pack.

  • Who is who…?! – New team members at Brain Products

Who is who…?! – New team members at Brain Products (April 2023)

Thanks to your unwavering trust in us, Brain Products is continually growing. To keep offering you unrivaled services and customer support, we’re constantly looking for dedicated, highly skilled professionals to join our team. On that note, we’re excited to introduce our newest team member to you.

2023-08-23T21:00:03+02:00April 11th, 2023|Categories: 2023, Brain Products Inside, Issue 1/2023|Tags: , |
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