New Subsidiary in Singapore: Brain Products Asia Pte Ltd
by Prudhvee Padmaraju, M.B.A.
Junior Business Analyst (Brain Products)
From the beginning of 2020, Brain Products Asia Pte Ltd started to support our existing distributors in the Asia Pacific region along with all our customers.
In countries without a distributor, current and potential new customers can contact our new subsidiary to discuss any of their needs.
By being closer to both, our distributors and Brain Products users, this new subsidiary will be able to assist with their requests faster and more efficiently.
Ismael Gaxiola-Valdez leads our new subsidiary as the Director and Operations Manager. It is no surprise that this name might sound familiar to some of you. As a Scientific Consultant, Ismael was already a member of the Brain Products family before moving to Singapore.
The new Subsidiary supports our stakeholders through scientific consultations, assistance with demos requested (either by customers or distributors), and organization of workshops in Singapore under the Brain Products Academy brand. In addition, we can visit researchers that would like to get local trainings for their respective labs.
If customers do not have a distributor in their country, we can offer quotations and sell Brain Products equipment along with other solutions.

Brain Products distributors in the Asia Pacific region.
To give you a reference of how Ismael can help,
please let us share his background
Ismael did his BSc in Electronics Engineering at the Technological Institute of Culiacan in Mexico. After finishing his degree, Ismael moved to Calgary, Canada where he completed his MSc in Biomedical Engineering at the University of Calgary in 2008. In Canada, Ismael accumulated over 10 years of experience doing clinical research at the Seaman Family MR Research Centre, which is part of the Foothills Medical Centre in Calgary. During his research career, he had the opportunity to work with EEG, MRI and fNIRS equipment among others before joining Brain Products GmbH in 2018 as a Scientific Consultant. In this position, he helped our worldwide customers to fulfill their research needs for neurophysiology equipment. With Ismael’s expertise, you can be sure to be in great hands.
We are confident that Brain Products Asia Pte Ltd will offer excellent services and build upon our vast expertise in the area of neurophysiological research.
For more information and queries, please contact Ismael Gaxiola-Valdez.