Happy 20th Birthday, Brain Products!
by Dr. Patrick Britz
Marketing Director (Brain Products)
Dear Customers, Partners and Friends,
This year marks the 20th anniversary of Brain Products. Since October 1997, we have been committed to providing what our logo states: Solutions for neurophysiological research. Our product developments have always been driven by aiming for constant innovation, the highest standards in product quality, and listening to our customers. Together with our distributors, we have provided expert consulting and support for free and will do so in the future. We are proud and happy to be your partner in research. From the beginning, Brain Products has upheld, respected, and supported the values of science. We want you to be successful as a researcher and share this success with you.
Brain Products started in 1997 when the company’s founder Alex Svojanovsky and his former partner released BrainVision Analyzer. It was the world’s first convenient and automated Windows-based EEG ERP analysis software. The quick worldwide success of Analyzer was overwhelming. Listening to our customers, more research products were developed: BrainAmp amplifier series (for EEG recordings in the lab), BrainAmp MR amplifier series (for EEG/fMRI co-registrations), actiCAP (active electrode system), actiCHamp (24-bit amplifier with active electrode technology), LiveAmp (wireless/mobile EEG amplifier system) – to mention just a few milestones in the history of Brain Products’ product development so far.
Most recently we have introduced the actiCAP slim, our new active electrode that outperforms the already known actiCAP active electrode system in form factor and ease-of-use while providing the same gold-standard recording qualities. Following customer requests, we also recently released new versions of our LiveAmp wireless amplifier system. Initially released as a 32-channel version only, now 8-, 16-, and 64-channel versions are available.
Continuously improving existing products reflects our ongoing commitment to deliver innovative, powerful, and easy solutions for your daily work. To date, we have developed more than 50 products for 14 applications in the field of neurophysiological research.
Now in 2017, Brain Products has more than 70 highly-motivated and experienced team members
We are proud of our team: which is full of creativity, loyalty and innovative ideas.
On the occasion of our 20th company anniversary, we would like to thank our customers for their confidence both in our products and skills. We are proud of your achievements and proud of all your publications and other scientific contributions. Very special thanks, of course, also go to our business partners and friends for accompanying us on our successful journey.
After 20 years, innovation and a positive impact on neuroscience is still what drives our future. We always like to hear what’s next on your research agenda and how we can help to foster your research. Email us or meet us at one of more than 50 conferences we attend every year. We are looking forward to providing you with comprehensive solutions and working with you.