A comprehensive guide to Analyzer’s Video Add In for simultaneous EEG and video playback
by Dr.-Ing. Kidist Mideksa
(Brain Products Scientific Consultant & User Application Test Manager)
Acquiring video with EEG provides insights into the interplay between neurophysiological responses and behavior, commonly used in infant and child research, sleep research, epilepsy research, and mobile EEG applications.
The Video Add In for BrainVision Analyzer 2 facilitates seamless parallel navigation of synchronously acquired video-EEG data.
This article provides a comprehensive overview of the Video Add In to help you get started easily.
- How can I install the Video Add In?
- How do I check if my dongle contains the video add-on license?
- What are the supported video file formats?
- Do I need separate codecs to play back the different video files?
- How do I import the video files into Analyzer 2?
- How to simultaneously navigate the EEG and video data
How can I install the Video Add In?
The video module is part of the Analyzer 2 software and is automatically included when installing Analyzer. It can be accessed under the Add Ins tab (see Figure 1). It is important to note that this module requires a dedicated license. Consequently, the module will only be visible and accessible if the corresponding add-on license has been purchased.

Figure 1: Accessing the Video Add In.
How do I check if my dongle contains the video add-on license?
Navigate to the Help tab and select About Analyzer. A new window will appear, displaying various details about your current Analyzer version and licensing information. If you have purchased the video add-on license, you will be able to see Analyzer 2 Video under the Add-on Licenses section (see Figure 2).

Figure 2: About BrainVision Analyzer – add-on license information.
The integration of the video license varies based on the specific dongle technology.
From version 2.2.1, legacy HASP HL dongles are no longer supported. See here for more information on the steps required to upgrade your dongle in case you have not done so far.
You can easily identify your dongle’s technology by following the steps in our quick start documentation for single-user and network license dongles.
What are the supported video file formats?
The Video Add In supports two video file formats, namely:
Update to the latest version of Analyzer 2 to benefit from the enhanced Video Add In.
Do I need separate codecs to play back the different video files?
Depending on the type of the video files you are working with, dedicated video component installations are required.
How do I import the video files into Analyzer 2?
Due to the large size of the video files, it might be necessary to store video files separately from the corresponding EEG files. In such cases, you can use the configuration file to indicate the file path of the video. Simply open the configuration file (*.videoconfig) in any text editor and provide the corresponding information as illustrated in Figure 3.

Figure 3: Specifying the video file location in configuration file.
The visualization window, will, by default, contain the video panel at the top and the EEG waveform at the bottom. You can, however, right-click on the video’s title bar and choose Float from the context menu, so that you can resize the panel as desired (see Figure 4).

Figure 4: Synchronized video and EEG view, with the floating video panel and their respective navigation sliders. The test data demonstrates synchronized playback of video-EEG, with the EEG displaying an artifact when the participant touches the electrodes (see the timestamps in the video panel and at the status bar).
How to simultaneously navigate the EEG and video data?
You can seamlessly navigate the EEG and/or video data using either of the sliders (see Figure 4). You can use the Play and Stop buttons to play, pause, stop, and re-play the video data.
You can complement the functionality of the Video Add In by incorporating another Add In called Marker Navigation (via Add Ins > Tools > Marker Navigation). This allows you to easily jump to a specific EEG marker position and inspect the corresponding video data at that same moment. You only need to specify the Marker Type/Description and use the next (>) or previous (<) buttons (see Figure 5). This avoids the manual process of scrolling through the EEG.

Figure 5: Navigate to the desired marker position using the Marker Navigation Add In.
We hope that this overview serves as a solid foundation for your journey into the combined video-EEG analysis. Should you have questions about functionality of the Video Add In or questions around data analysis, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at support@brainproducts.com. We will be happy to help!