New Licensing Model available for Brain Products Software

by Pierluigi Castellone | Sales Manager (Brain Products)
& Dominik Dietze | Product Manager (Brain Products)

We would like to announce a change in the licensing structure of our analysis and recording Software BrainVision Analyzer 2 and BrainVision Recorder.

Overall, this change leads to a major reduction of prices for the initial purchase of a Brain Products Software product (BrainVision Analyzer and BrainVision Recorder) and increased simplicity for the ordering process.

Historically, Brain Products offered a first software license as well as additional licenses both for single seat and network licenses. Additional licenses were available for customers who already owned a first license and, therefore, the serial number of the first license dongle had to be provided in order to be eligible for an additional license. This often led to misinterpretations in differentiating a first license and an additional license. Therefore we decided to stop selling additional single seat local licenses and to develop a new model that we believe is advantageous and fair for both sides.

In order to still enable multi-license installations of BrainVision Analyzer, we continue to offer additional licenses for network dongles at a favourable price (same level as previous price for an additional license in the old pricing structure).

The new structure is designed so that the purchase of up to three single seat licenses hardly makes a difference in price when compared with the old price structure.

The initial costs for a network license are slightly higher compared to a single seat local license; but due to the possibility to add licenses at a lower price onto the same network license dongle, the higher upfront investment should be considered when more than 3 licenses are planned inside the lab. It is also possible to upgrade single seat local licenses to a network license at a later stage.

The Brain Products Sales Team is available for any questions or requests, as always, and we are happy to provide support during this transition. We thank you for your understanding and participation, and look forward to the rewards and simplification this new structure brings to all of us.

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